

Planet-friendly philosophy : INTEGRA’s vision

INTEGRA is mobilizing a complete awareness for environmental preservation among its employees as well as all stakeholders. Continuously analyzing, understanding, and reducing the environmental impact of its operation is one of the strings of objectives of the company.

Striving for operational and environmental excellence for sustainable operations, Integra has set “SMART” objectives. With regular environmental monitoring and a strong drive for training and more and more professionals in EHS awareness, INTEGRA is becoming more and more committed to it’s Environmental goals.


Integra’ted actions for Environmental Excellence ​

Setting Objectives to use less energy (Electricity, Gas, Water) to produce more output is our mission. By replacing conventional illumination with LED in its plants - offices and increasing awareness among all stakeholders for energy conservation has made INTEGRA more congenial with the environment.

INTEGRA has aggressively started monitoring the uses of water consumption from the year 2022 by installing water meters at relevant spots. By this, we are able to take well-analyzed decisions to Recycle and Reuse water.

From 2022 INTEGRA has contributed to Environment sustainability by saving various resources ( Trees, Oil, Electricity, and Water ) through proper recycling of waste management.

After using 5% of total consumption through solar energy. INTEGRA is now all set to use 100% energy via renewable sources ( 625 KVA roof top solar panel )

“Fact and Figures – Environmental Saving – A Continuous Journey”​

Conserved By Us...


Number of Trees


Gallons of Oil​


Hours of Electricity​


Gallons of Water​

Certified for more Eco friendly Operations

INTEGRA’s Both locations are certified by ISO 14001.​

This compliance reconfirms INTEGRA’s dedication and commitment to continual improvement in the field of environmental Sustainability.
