Planet-friendly philosophy : INTEGRA’s vision
“Safety is our Priority", is our commitment statement for providing a safe and healthy workplace across all operations and locations.
We ensure that every task, job or assignment is performed in a safe manner. Implementation of an Effective safety system is extended to all stakeholders (Contractors, Suppliers, Customers…) working at our premises, and also, we encourage our suppliers to establish safety management at their premises.
Obtaining ISO 45001 certification has strengthened INTEGRA’s approach towards EHS.
Health and safety is a prime focus of INTEGRA, be it its employees or contractors. By conducting continuous awareness sessions, training programs, motivational activity, and enhanced induction training program for visitors and newcomers, INTEGRA has achieved the milestone of ZERO reportable accidents.
INTEGRA believes that the good health of employees plays a vital role in the growth and success of an organization as well as the team. Many actions are being taken by management for the health and well-being of employees. In 2021, number of employees had to continue working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So various measures were provided to support them in adapting to the new ways of working.
Phone Number :
+91 909 9918 471
INTEGRA Engineering India Limited.
Post Box No. 55, HALOL - 389 350, Dist. Panchmahals, Gujarat, India
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Copyright Integra
Engineering India Limited. 2023. All Rights Reserved.
CSR work done at Shri Manakelal Maganlal Gandhi School & Javahar Ashram Shala in remote tribal areas of Jambugodha.
Conducting on site skill-enhancing ( welders ) training programs for local students.
INTEGRA takes due care of climate by :